Show. Don’t Tell.

Use Enhanced Multi-Media to capture and share video and images for faster approval times and more dollars per RO.

Higher Conversion Rates

69% conversion rate when photos and videos were sent to customers.1

Increased Revenue

More than $19 Million incremental fixed ops revenue earned December 2022—February 2023 by dealers using video to present ASRs.2


Book a Demo

See what Enhanced Multi-Media can do for your service department.

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Are You Getting the Most from Every Customer Interaction?

0 %

conversion rate when photos and videos were sent to customers.

Your service department contributes significantly to the bottom line of your dealership. With recent challenges, like service customers driving lessyou need to maximize dollars per RO on every customer visit. And you do that by helping your customer understand the need for any additional service you recommend, growing trust, and making it easy to say yes. When you capture and share video and pictures with Enhanced Multi-Media, you’re removing each of those barriers to ASR approval. 

The Enhanced Multi-Media Solution

More than $19 Million incremental fixed ops revenue earned December 2022—February 2023 by dealers using video to present ASRs.

Quickly and easily capture video and images with Enhanced Multi-Media, an add on feature available with Xtime Inspect. Show your customer what the technician sees by attaching media to an ASR before you text or email it, or advisors and technicians can text media directly to the customer.


This provides an opportunity for your customer to interact with your service department from anywhere and easily understand the need for the recommended repairs while viewing pictures and video on their phone or device. You are increasing trust through transparency so that you can boost dollars per repair order and support the kind of digital experience your customer expects. 


And you are making it easier and faster for the customer to say yes, with 69 percent of ASRs that include photos and videos approved in the first 30 minutes of receipt.

If a Picture is Worth a Thousand Words, What's a Video Worth?

Build Trust Through Transparency

Give your customers the service experience they expect while also increasing dollars per repair order with Enhanced Multi-Media.  Click and  download the infographic below.

Enhanced Multi-Media Available Add-On with Xtime Inspect

Boost revenue, increase shop efficiency, and improve customer satisfaction. When you use Inspect, every customer visit includes a digital multipoint inspection and a professionally presented vehicle status report designed to identify, recommend, and close more service recommendations. Customer engagement and shop efficiency are also elevated with this consistent, comprehensive, and connected process 

1 Based on data for dealers using Xtime Inspect and Xtime Enhanced Multimedia between September 2022 and February 2023

2 Based on data for dealers using Xtime Inspect between December 2022 and February 2023

3Xtime dealer data September 2022 and February 2023

Do you want faster approvals and more dollars per RO in your service department?